Garlic: Aromatic, and Good for You

Westernized countries have significantly higher rates of autoimmune disease, and this rate is more than genetics and bad luck.  Diet, environmental toxins, and the composition of one’s personal gut microbiome may strongly influence our chances of developing an autoimmune disease.  Of these factors, food, is the biggest, actionable trigger for autoimmunity, and choosing wisely can …

Beans and the Microbiome: What to know about Prebiotics

Prebiotics are an important part of an anti-inflammatory diet, because they support the microbiome, a complex collection of bacteria, virus, and fungi that inhabit your skin and digestive tract.  The majority of the human microbiome resides in the large intestine, and is made up of more than a thousand different species. These bacteria are responsible for…

The Dirty Dozen, and the Clean Fifteen: What you Need to Know

Dirty dozen The Environmental working group publishes an annual shopper’s guide of produce with a catchy name, the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15.  Each year the EWG analyzes data from the USDA to determine which fruits and vegetables in the US have the most and least pesticide contamination.  Fruits and vegetables with delicate exteriors…

How to Support your Microbiome

If you have ever felt alone in this world, please be assured that you are not!  Millions of beneficial organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, have been with you all along, mostly populating your large intestine.  If this is not reassuring, (and it should be-because they can do a lot of good for you) please…